Reflections from the Soul

Reflections from the Soul

Monday, November 7, 2016

Sleeping Beauty Awakes

And I, yes I, will awaken the Dawn...

Though the briars have grown up around Her, though the thorns have grown thick and deep within Her, and though She has been sleeping for long years, I am awakening Her.  For I have relentlessly pursued Her.  I have not stopped gazing upon Her.  Though a spell of deception cloaked itself upon her, I have not forgotten Her.  Her Prince has come!  The Prince of Peace brings a kiss to the cheek of His Bride, to the Lips of Her Foundation.  She is Awakening!  She will no longer be My Sleeping Beauty, but my Awakening Bride that will Arise!  Yes, She is Arising in Splendor and with Beauty. 

Come with Me, My Beauty, My Bride...

Come away with Me, now...

Arising, she comes in Splendor...

For Her Bridegroom's Kiss has Awakened Her...

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Whose Are You?

     Imagine that God is a strong lion, and the accuser, representing all of evil, is a hyena, 'he says."  'Tell me, can the hyena hurt the lion?"
     "Yes," the boy says.  "He can chase him and with many other, take him down."
     'Well then, let's make the lion bigger, because God is infinite.  Let's make him as big as the field.  The hyena, being finite, does not grow bigger.  it is still the same size.  Now can the hyena hurt the lion?"
     The boy thinks for a moment.  'Yes, he could bite the lion's foot." he says.
     "Then let's make the lion bigger.  As big as the whole savannah.  Can the hyena now hurt the lion?"
     The boy thinks hard for a long moment.  "Well...Maybe..."
     "Let's make the lion as big as the whole world and the hyena now only a tiny speck on the field.  in fact, let's make the lion as big as all the worlds.  As big as the whole universe.  Now..."  he turns to face the boy, staff planted in the dirt before him, his gaze steady.  "Can the hyena on that field, who is still the same size, much smaller than a single atom on the surface of a billion suns, hurt the lion?"
     "No," the boy says, eyes wide with wonder.
     "Can the hyena threaten the lion?"
     The boy shakes his head.  "No."
     The teacher looks off to the horizon and draws a deep breath through his nostrils, "Can the hyena even bother the lion?"
The answer is plain to the boy.  "No," he says.
    The teacher looks down and offers an approving nod.  "Always remember, this is how big and powerful your Father is.  The only thing bigger in His wisdom and His love for you, because God is love and you are His son.  The hyena can only bother those who do not know who they are."

From; The Forgotten Way- Ted Dekker