Reflections from the Soul

Reflections from the Soul

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The clouds were thick, heavy in density.  They moved in slow motion with the gentle breeze of the winds.  Unveiled in a sliver of orange was the glow of a majestic moon hanging just for me.  Beckoning me to listen, watch, see.  A pause of all that was otherwise clattering inside as to hear something hopeful.  Watch something miraculous.  See something unfold.  Unfold inside of me. 

The moment for which I watched began to reveal more than I had time for in the moment.  For my baby boy, was needing to get to bed.  My dog was waiting for me to throw the ball just one more time.  My heart was longing for more solitude.  Why?  Sometimes, solitude can feel like lonliness, where other times it is the one gift we long for. 

In moments of solitude, there is a speaking.  If, we let what we might be beholding in that moment; speak. 

In that particular moment; the speaking would come later, once my baby was sleeping.  My husband was off to work.  The dog was laying down at my side, twitching as he dreamed.  And the open patio door was the gateway to a song of crickets quieting my soul enough to allow the unfolding to begin.

I see the picture again. That moment etched in my minds eye, just a few hours earlier.  I recall for that moment, watching and wondering, were the clouds moving, or was the moon pressing it's way through the clouds.  Though scientifically speaking I know that the clouds were unveiling the slow slivers of the moon for felt like the moon was instead pressing it's way through the clouds.  For while they were so thick, and charcoal grey, a moon was brilliant orange with a purpose to display the glorious artwork of our creator. 

It moved me to reflect on how sometimes we ourself, want desperately to push our way through the grey.  We might finally feel like something of a miraculous brilliance has rested on us, and we want the world to see.  It might be a moment with our little ones.

It might be an encounter with another's soul....

a moment of chemistry that makes us feel alive again... 

Hopeful again. 

No longer alone.  A spoken word to a part of us

 that like the desert ground,

 dry, parched,.... is now watered.  

 The rose on the thorns of our life awakened to a hope for something more.  A courage to press through.

Have you ever pressed so hard to reveal a part of who you are so as to have something of a shining moment?  A moment where amidst the grey clouds of circumstance, a brilliance comes forth in the night sky's of your life, revealing a strength in you, you yourself had no knowledge of?

Then as the crickets continue their chorus, I listened....stillness, solitude...and everything that is truly important to hear, comes forth in a chorus, quieting the chaos.  I reflect on them clouds, slowly moving in a way that only they can move.  Shadow and stretching over top the moon in a stripping away that seems unfairly vulnerable.  The moon hangs still.  It controls not the movement of the winds, and how the clouds strategically reveal it's majesty. 

Isn't it like life to do the same.  Moments when the winds of circumstance blow as they may....revealing what we may fear to be revealed?  Making vulnerable for all to see the shape of our souls?  A sliver sometimes.  Half of this, half of that.....and sometimes a full body shot of all that is surrounding us and within us?  Life, it takes sometimes no caution as to what it will blow in, blow out, or blow around us....the winds don't ask us, how hard to blow, or how gentle to drop by....they just enter our life and do what they were meant to do. 
What do the winds over the landscapes of our lives do for us?  We can stand against them.  Fight the intent they may have to break off of us, branches needing broken.  Or we can lean into them, and embrace them....letting them carry off of us, brokenness that otherwise would never be broken off.  Renew us with something that frees us, ...allowing us to fly to heights never otherwise flown. 

Personally, I love the wind....since I was a little girl, I would watch....listen, and stand with my long hair hugging it gracefully.  I to this day, can still hear the wind moving through the leaves of the trees, as if to applaud our Lord for His glorious creation of the Sapphire blue sky, while sitting on the wooden swing in the Northwoods of my home growing up.  If only I could hug the winds of life as gracefully, applauding life in a way that says thank you for the gifts I've still yet to see. 

There is a gift we cannot see though, when we close our eyes to that which we take for granted.  When we see God in creation, we often see something of His Kingdom.  Something even His son Jesus spent much time using to illustrate The Kingdom of Heaven, creation.  Whether in a moment beneath a brilliant orange moon, and a sky hung with grey clouds moving ever so slowly....or in a moment with my little boy, or my dog.....creation is always a window to the eternal.  Will we listen?  Will we watch?  Will we see.....the windows all around us.

Listen.  Watch.  See. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

River God

I've just started this blog.  It's been 3 yrs. since I've blogged.  Having a baby, an amazing little boy who will be 3 soon, keeps me busy, and finding the time to write is not like it used to be.  I have just recently been given a computer and printer.  This is has been such a surprise and gift of God to me, since it has now opened up the door for me to have internet access at home.

 Though most of my writing takes place late at night, when the world and home are finally's the perfect time for me to just listen, waiting for the page to write.  And so I am doing just that. 

I have recently been listening and learning a bit about grace from a pastor named Joseph Prince.  And what has begun to drip slowly into my spirit is the understanding that God's grace is always at work and is available like a river flowing
continuously.  Sometimes it's not something new, but rather a new way of hearing or understanding and thinking about something that can bring about an impact we otherwise havn't experienced. 

Pastor Prince describes grace in a wonderful teaching I recently watched.  Simply put...Grace = Supply.  God's Supply unending. 

He continues to explain how so many of us look at our days, as we walk through it as a series of many demands.  I have to do this......I have to that...wether it be get out the door by 10am with 100 things to do, or my boss wants this that and the other by a deadline that is ridiculous, or the very reality of how we get so involved in the chaotic motion of detail after detail...surrender, or clenching on to our views...or as parents by the end of breakfast we know that the day ahead is going to be 'one of those days'.....and our attitudes, and tones, and perspectives just come into the mentality of constant demand. 

It's easy then for us to start to feel from our loved ones a feeling of demand to spend more time, understand me better, listen more, or seeing legitimate needs as, demanding.  Then eventually everything feels so demanding around us.  And living too long under a stress of demand, breaks us down both on the outside and the inside. 

Then feelings of demand creep into us as well regarding our time spent for God....or the enemy, Satan, begins to feed our demand mentality with more lies such as were not praying just right, reading our bibles the right enough of time, not doing enough ministry, not doing this, not doing that...

We just feel so worn out, still unfinished with our list in our mind, and with life demands that daily overtake us, and we walk around weary....needing so much more than we feel is available to be restored.

"Come all you who are weary, and heavy burdened and I will give you rest."  Matt. 11:30

"...For my grace is sufficient for you" 2 Cor.12:9

" much more will those who recieve Gods abundant provision, unmerited favor, overflowing grace, and the free gift of righteousness reign as kings in life through the One Man Jesus Christ." Romans 5:17

Author John Bevere says Grace is the "empowering ability to do what we otherwise don't have the ability to do". 

I am learning that I have that grace living inside me in the person of Jesus Christ, through His Holy Spirit. Sometime we can know something, theologically, but fail miserably in the reality of that living out that theology.  

The fullness of Jesus is inside of me!!! So much so that I am able to reign as kings!!!  It's realizing that river of life is really seeing that there is an unending stream, a gushing river of grace continuously flowing from The Cross where that Grace was made fully alive for me through His death.  Supply eternal! 

"...Therefore be transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Romans 12:2 

Stepping into the rest of Jesus.  I think of all that Jesus did each day, going about serving to all those in need, but with the rest of the Father upon him.  He knew clearly the supply of His Father was always moving in Him.  He saw the supply, when he went to feed the thousands with only 2 fish, and 5 loaves, and how he gave thanks before doing so to His Father above before perfoming the miracle.  Jesus walked in the supply of His Father.  We are called to walk in that same supply, abundant provision...for it lives inside of us, by way of His Holy Spirit within us as believers in Jesus Christ. 

John Bevere used another great metaphore saying,..."You meet this group of people who have to walk long miles just to get where they are going everyday.  And so you give them a car.  You assume they know, that they can use the car to drive and no longer have to walk so far anymore. And then we tell them about the fact that it has air conditioning, anti-lock brakes, air-bags, and then about the cd player, gps system. 

You talk to them a week later and say, "hey, how's that car driving?" ... Finding out that they are still walking.  And you wonder why?  I gave you a car, you don't need to walk, you can drive now....

Well, we failed to tell them it's primary function was that it was to drive from a to b. 

Grace, is the primary function in our life and walking out that life daily with Jesus.  So often I feel the weight of constant demand....but I'm seeing more clearly, that rather than feel it as demand, see it as demand, begin to understand and see life as eternal supply... not me having to fullfill demand but rather me moving freely in the supply of His grace to accomplish daily all that is needed.

Traveling mercies,

daughter of The King