Reflections from the Soul

Reflections from the Soul

Monday, February 23, 2015

Stillness in His Presence

Come, My beautiful one, My delight of My eyes. Let Me still the troubled waters of your soul... those waters that seemingly seem to keep you unsettled. Let Me teach you how to be still, be silent, how to embrace the space you make for Me, in a quiet waiting and being before Me, with no words needed. Come, kneel down, and let the cool of the waters, the river of My Presence bring a calm and cooling to the raw wounds of the soul... let My waters, and My Presence wash them with the sweet myrrh of cleansing. For I long to be your 'go to' place of refreshment and solitude and peace. For My solitude is peace, it is stillness in My Presence where the unseen meets the seen. Where I take delight in your coming to Me, that I might pour out upon you, rivers of Peace, that penetrate the turbulent and unstable places of the soul. Come, my dear one... for I have waters you have not yet drank to refresh and wash your troubled soul... ~Selah...

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