Reflections from the Soul

Reflections from the Soul

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Finding The Shore

There are chores in our every day. Chores we want to do. Chores we don't want to do. Be it as a child or an adult, that dynamic never changes. What we hope changes is our approach to them.
Our attitude.

As a parent working alongside my son, chores we don't want to do, are met with currents of great resistance. My attitude in that moment, can steer the entire ship of our day. I can use my tongue to steer into waters wrought with waves of dread, or use my tongue to steer us into an attitude of worship.
When I move in the latter, the weight of the chore subsides, relinquishing the currents of resistance. A stillness in the water pulls back from those currents, stretching toward shores of beauty and wonder.
We begin to work from the shore of His presence, peace, and joy. In that working, He works the currents of our attitudes, into a current of His transforming grace stretching like the shores of sand, over our day.
It is then we can rest in whatever chore the day might deliver. Including adventure's unexpected, such as the exploration of seashells. For I'm certain that each one explored will offer something of His wonder "full," goodness.
And any chore that becomes full of wonder, full of His goodness, is a chore worth doing.

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