Reflections from the Soul

Reflections from the Soul

Friday, August 14, 2015

Perfection, completion, fullness...

I had challenged myself tonight to a 45 min. run. Wanted to see just how far I would go and if I could manage that long, at the pace I run.  I got just past my normal 30 min. mark.  In that time, I off and on, increased my pace.  Seeing that I had about 15 min. left, I began to feel the difficulty that the 'last leg' of the run might be for me. 

Here I've been sweating profusely, while at the same time, enjoying the breeze of the built in fan on the Elliptical.  But, in that moment while preparing mentally for what began to feel harder and harder, a sudden sense of His Presence, fell on me.  I knew that I felt Him, my Jesus, almost as though He walked up behind me, and breathed His strength on me, in a way that would let me know He was right there with me. 

Each time I have been working out, doing my run... He has whispered.  It has been lyrics each time.  Yes, in one way it's inconvenient for me, because I'm either going to have to stop and log into facebook and send me a personal message to write them, or say them over and over again till I'm done, and well,.... that's not easy or preferred.  I've learned also that those are "divine" interruptions, and I think they are to teach me to "pause" and respond to The One Thing- Worship- in whatever way that comes.  To steward those moments in a posture of obedience, in recognizing He is seeing if I will respond delightfully when it may be a bit inconvenient... for the sake of His gaze and adoration.  Intimacy and the gift of His ever increasing hosting of His Presence in my life.

As quickly as that breath of His Presence fell upon me, it also left.... not that He left, for He's with me everywhere I go... but that moment of His 'manifest' Presence.... I feel it tangibly when it comes...

Then I heard His whisper in that same moment it fell upon me....

"this literal workout and run, (like the running of your life),... that has right now become harder, more difficult, and a run that you stretched yourself to achieve...  is like that run of your life.  When you have felt you just can't go much farther without wanting and considering "stopping or giving up".... I have come all those times and breathed upon you.  NO, you haven't always been aware or noticed when I have... what pleases me and delights me, is that you have always responded in courage...even when you did not discern my breath upon your strides, moving you further than what you thought you could go...  You have not given up on the race.  I love this about you. Even when you went into that spiritual a coma... when all you could do is breath on the sidelines.... in the secret place of your soul.... you cried out to Me, over and over you cried out to Me, in your anger and in your sadness.... you still came, to Me.  No, you didn't see Me well then... but you never stopped coming to Me... that is what running life is about... Never taking your eyes off of your true North... and even when deceived in the midst of the trial.... you looked for Me, and continued to look for Me.

I completed my run tonight....

As I wrote that last line above, suddenly I saw the number of miles in my mind, that I ran tonight... and I looked up at Him and began to giggle... and giggle... and giggle.... why?

I ran 7.1 miles tonight in my set out goal of 45 min. 

Do you know what the number 7 means...?

Perfection, completion, fullness..

He is so beautiful how He speaks to me... how even now in my writing, He whispers things that I didn't catch earlier, to confirm to me, "Yes, my Daughter.... I was with you tonight, and I breathed on your pace tonight so that you could come to a perfect place of completion, in all the fullness of My Presence." 

He whispers...
He delights in the whispers...
He delights in our listening to those whispers...
He delights in teaching us His beautiful love language He has specifically designed for each one of us.

Have you asked Him to teach you, reveal to you, how He longs and does whisper to you? 

Come... invite Him to teach you and unveil His unique way of whispering....

It is the sacred song of songs... reserved just for you...

He's waiting....