Reflections from the Soul

Reflections from the Soul

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I feel my soul Awakening!

Chris Tomlin sings ...."Like the rising sun that shines, awake my soul, awake my soul and sing, Only You can raise a life, Awake my Soul and sing..."  I've been in love with this song and singing this song for months on end now....perhaps the prayer is springing forth it's fruit.

I'm beginning to sing from a place of Awakening...Dormancy is good for a season, for it renews, reveals, refines... but when new healing springs forth, His awakening cannot be held back...for only Jesus Christ can truly awaken every soul. What is God wanting to awaken in your soul?  Is it a place of comfort; or is it from a place where He has hidden you in the cleft of His leading and freedom?  Maybe it's a place you've never really been, fully? 

Sometimes the comfort we need is not one of human making, but rather of heaven's raining presence amidst a Kerith Ravine.  A place where a stripping and cutting away of broken places inside are being called forth.  Or like a peeler on the skin of an apple. Your ways of what you once knew are being peeled back, so that you are able to awaken into whom He has already seen you to be.  

Are you leaning into the wind of His Holy Spirit's leading?  Are you seeking discernment? Are you searching for what it looks like to walk in unwaivering obedience?  These are the questions I am asking myself? 

A stripping of control is at the root of this awakening.  A cutting away from the lies that, I'm responsible for others feelings, actions and choices, attitudes, values.  It's a hard place to be; when all you've been used to doing, begins this process of cutting.  Especially for a heart that loves to be involved in the healing process.  

But maybe it is just that, my season for healing.  Season for stepping into the right boundary's, so that what needs cutting is cut.  So that the soul in me longing to vibrantly move and sing and worship, in life, word and deed, can truly do so, all in a more healthy way.  

I'm learning real healing and change starts when I repent.  Changing from the way one once did things, to the way God says one should do things.  That's a cutting!  But, like a Pineapple, the outside is firm, hard, tough and very much like a pricker bush....just the wrong rub against your skin and it's going to hurt.  It's a pretty tough exterior!  But oh the sweetness of it's intended purpose inside, at it's core...divine!  But, to get to that core, a major cutting must occur.  There is no way around that!  So many times, people don't want the journey of that cutting.  They try and be what they claim to be on the inside, on the outside, all the while living differently.  Life then becomes a bloody mess, hidden behind outter layer's of hardened life experiences. much I could share on that word, but for now, I will let this be enough to ponder.  It has been for me. But as my little boy Seth would say....'one more thing mommy".....

Are you willing to go to the Kerith Ravine?

"Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah:  "Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan.  You will drink form the brook and I have ordered the ravens to feed you THERE.  So he did what the Lord had told him to do.  He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed THERE." 
 1 Kings 17:2-5